
Pro-Jump Versions Chart

Pro-Jump Forum Tutorials Pro-Jump Version Chart

By Webmaster

As the manufacturer develops the stilts, the Pro-Jump has evolved and changes have been made to it. The following charts try to show the changes so it will be easy for you to check which version you have. All the research has been carried out by me, and there could be some errors, if you spot any let me know & I'll update it as / when I can.

Link to the original topic and discussing threads about this topic can be found here


This chart may be applicable to other brands who are made by the same manufacturers but they could have had some stilts / parts in between or after which may not be on these charts.

A special thanks to all who have given me info, pictures and pointers on this.

Please click to enlarge


V7 model = Same as V6 but has twin D links for the knee bar straps (came in red boxes)

V8 model = Introduced in July 2009, Same as V7 but comes with a full metal lower spring foot bracket without a gap between the two bolts (new black & white box with powerbockers on)

V8+ model = Introduced in July 2009, Same as the V8 model minus the knee bar & Standard bindings but with a calf cuff and Pro-Bindings (new black & white box with powerbockers on)

* Disclaimer

Any modifications, setting up guides, advice and tutorials found on the Pro-Jump Forum should only be followed at your own risk. Pro-Jump / UK Good Deals Ltd will not be held responsible for any injury, loss or damage of any nature. Some modifications provided on the forum may also invalidate your jumping stilts warranty so please check the terms and conditions on the site or the site where your jumping stilts were purchased from.

By following any of the advice set out on the Pro-Jump Forum you are exonerating the company (Pro-Jump / UK Good Deals) its employees, agents, members and the advise / tutorial poster from all liability which may arise in respect of personal injury (fatal or otherwise) or damage to your equipment which may occur by following the advice given. You undertake to make no claim against the company (Pro-Jump / UK Good Deals ltd) its employees, agents, members and the advise / tutorial poster notwithstanding that such injury was caused or occasioned directly or indirectly by the act of neglect ,or default of the company (Pro-Jump / UK Good Deals) its employees, agents, members and the advise / tutorial poster.

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